Copy of Brown Drake Update #9
It's on! Picabo Bridge all the way up to the Willows has bugs. The next few nights should be excellent. Watch the weather. One good cloud could start the show at any time!
Stay Kind!
Pee-Ka-Boo is a Native American word meaning "Shining Waters."
Picabo Angler is a destination: A full-service fly shop & outfitter located on the banks of world-renowned Silver Creek
It's on! Picabo Bridge all the way up to the Willows has bugs. The next few nights should be excellent. Watch the weather. One good cloud could start the show at any time!
Stay Kind!
It's on! Picabo Bridge all the way up to the Willows has bugs. The next few nights should be excellent. Watch the weather. One good cloud could start the show at any time!
Stay Kind!
Lucky number 7! Last nights cold produced little to no action on the Brown Drake. A warmer day has our hopes up for a special night tonight. Rest assured we are back into the 80's on Sunday and Monday. With enough radiant heat warming the water, there is still a 50 / 50 chance tonight could produce the first true wave of Drakes!
Brown Drakes continue to trickle off from Point of Rocks downstream to Picabo Bridge. The inclement weather has cleared and the wind is blowing today. This should change things drastically. Expect a big event the next few nights. If today's wind quits tonight should be good. If not, the weekend should be a slam dunk. Get down here early and enjoy the sunset! Please remember - BE KIND!!!
John Huber, Picabo Angler's Outfitter, appears in a two page image in issue 8.3 of The FlyFish Journal.
John Huber & Jimmy Coale on Idaho's Silver Creek. Photo: Nick Price
Here's a series of videos on Silver Creek access points we put together last year. Hopefully this answers some questions and even helps out with the "Where Should I Go?" questions you may have prior to heading down to Silver Creek.
This video series starts with the bottom end of Silver Creek at Priest Rapids and works its way all the way upstream to The Nature Conservancy section.