Bird Hunters! We are about to finally experience cooler, fall weather. Join us on the Picabo Angler shooting preserve. To reserve your day in the field, please call John at 208.788.3536. We will begin hunting Rooster Pheasants on Monday!!!
Filtering by Tag: Upland Hunting
Sun Valley Area Fishing Report - August 24, 2015
Cooler night are becoming the norm as we approach September. What this means to the angler is prolific fishing, as fish feel the change and begin looking to fatten up for the winter. Brown Trout and Brook Trout are getting ready for their spawning season, so they will become even more voracious eaters as they try to pack on the calories for the several weeks of spawning and fighting.
On the Creek the Mouse fishing remains red hot and the best way to land that “fish of a lifetime.” Callibaetis and Trico are still present in numbers large enough to get the fish up and we can expect the Baetis hatches to begin growing with the approach of autumn. Hoppers and Ants remain the best Terrestrials to throw, and between you and I and all the other readers, I would have no hesitation only throwing a Flying Ant pattern morning, noon and night for the rest of the warm summer days we have!
The Big Wood remains a viable fishery when we go a few days without storms. Trico is still the best morning activity, with Hoppers being the afternoon bug of choice, and Caddis or Rusty Spinners in the evening.
The Upper Lost River is fishing really well with Ants and Hoppers as well as prolific midday Baetis hatches. There is plenty of walking to do between holes, but anglers willing to put in maximum effort will catch plenty of nice sized fish.
The Lower Lost flows continue to fluctuate with 400 CFS the level at the time of this writing. Crane Flies and Trico remain a constant, but the higher flows limit the access and the areas where fish will rise. If you go, be flexible, ready to move and think about fishing lower in the system where some of the water gets diverted.
The South Fork of the Boise remains at drift boat levels with Pink Albert and Hoppers like a Club Sandwich being excellent choices.
Rounding out the month, Grouse Hunting opens on the 30th and Dove season on the 1st of September. Grouse numbers look fantastic this year, but we aren’t seeing a lot of local Doves. Hunters may want to get a bit farther south for Dove limits.
Finally, there is a lot to do right now from Panfish at Carey Lake all the way into the high-country where Brookies and Cutts are on the cusp of the August spawn at altitude! Get out and EXPLORE!
Happy Fishing and Hunting Everyone!
Sun Valley Area Fishing Report, Sept 16th
There hasn’t been a dull moment for anglers and hunters this fall as the conditions left behind by the local fires has essentially ended seasons in certain hunting units and fishing on certain rivers. The Big Wood River, the South Fork of the Boise and many smaller streams have filled with ash and will remain unfishable for the time being. It’s a hard pill to swallow right now, but one thing we can count on is the resiliency of Mother Nature. The rivers, the fish, the elk, the grouse and the trees will all come back. Based on history they will come back even stronger than when we lost them. So be patient, be flexible and be ready for new opportunities.
Silver Creek remains the stalwart fishery we’ve come to expect. Baetis and Callibaetis are the main bugs on the Creek right now, with a trickle of Mahogany Duns beginning to show up on the cooler afternoons. The Hopper fishing remains strong and the wind the past few days has made it even better. Many anglers are reporting that Ant patterns are the best fly in their box right now. Expect the Mahogany action to pick up as we receive our first true fall weather.
The Lost River, both upper and lower also remain strong fisheries. The hatches are mainly Baetis and some Caddis on the upper Lost. Hoppers both above and below the dam are working well. The place to think about exploring right now, especially as things cool is the Big Wood below Magic Reservoir. The canyon water has been shut off and the fishery is under salvage, but there are still some big fish in those pools.
Upland hunting remains fantastic for both Doves and Grouse. The numbers of both remain strong. Expect the Dove numbers to diminish this week, but the Grouse hunting should stay strong right up until our first snow falls.
Sage Grouse, Hungarian Partridge, Chukar and Quail all open on September 21st. If you hunt Sage Grouse, don’t forget you will need a special Permit and the season is only a week long with a one bird a day limit, so if you want to hunt this species, plan well and set your hunt in advance. Last note on upland hunting: The snake activity is strong this year. The drought has brought prey and predator to nearby water sources, so please be aware! It will snow soon enough, so be safe with your dogs in the meantime.
Happy Fishing and Hunting Everyone!
Opening Day of Forest Grouse Season
John Huber, Winston and Boone
My newest puppy Boone, who will begin work on the Picabo Angler Pheasant Preserve next season, took his first steps today, going on his first Grouse hunt! He is very proud of himself in this picture, although older and wiser Winston Dog on the right, may have had more to do with the limit, Boone still did a fantastic job, following the old guy around and smelling what he smelled and tracking what he tracked! At the end of the day the important thing is he learned...
Boone and Winston with an opening day limit of Forest Grouse.