Upland Primer for Dogs and Pups!
Greetings Upland Hunters
Please join us for the final two weeks of August with your pups in training!
With temperatures still too hot for hard working adult dogs to hunt long distances we are going to reserve the time from August 18th to the 29th for hunters wishing to introduce their new gun dogs to birds.
Join us every weekday morning and some weekends from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. as we head into the field with Chukar to practice a variety of hunting scenarios. Work of pointing, flushing, retrieving or just let your pup find a few birds! We are happy to put them out for you one bird at a time to ensure your puppy’s success.
This “clinic” is open to mature dogs that will be in the field for the first time this season or those that need a tune up. This will also be great for puppies that are hot off the press! This is a perfect time to socialize your new dogs, let them hear a few shots and get comfortable out in the field.
Picabo Angler Outfitter and Guides John Huber and Ross Copperman will be training their own puppies ranging from 1 year to 12 weeks and you will be able to train alongside of them.
Each dog owner will receive 4 Chukar to do as they wish with. We will plant them all at once, or one at a time. The cost is $175 per session. We will be on the Picabo Angler Shooting Preserve with adult Chukars. Reservations are required to keep group sizes to just a few dogs and owners. Call John Huber at 208.788.3536 to make your reservations.
This is a very low pressure, relaxed atmosphere, where our goal is to introduce puppies to birds in the cool morning hours and where fun is more important than perfection.
We look forward to seeing you in the field!
John Huber
John Huber and Boone training last season.